10 Simple Ways to Empower Your Child Everyday


Empowerment is simply the power to do something. Fostering empowerment is vital to early childhood as it develops a sense of self, accomplishment, and positive self-esteem that can last a lifetime.

When young children are empowered, they believe in their own abilities and have a positive mind set.

This sets them up to rely on their inner strengths as they need to overcome challenges throughout their life.

Empowering your child is making sure they have tools to enable people to take initiative, make decisions, and solve complex problems:

  • Encourage experimentation.
  • Collaborate to learn the unknown together.
  • Ask questions about what your little learner observes about the world around them all the time.
  • Let them do it; from putting on jackets to feeding the family pet.
  • Let them take risks while playing.
  • Give them choice and voice: 2 options for dinner or choosing an outfit can go a long way.
  • Share your true feelings and name them, it lets them do the same.
  • Implement a daily routine.
  • Build perseverance.
  • Celebrate accomplishments, little victories, and long-term goals.