Choosing a School

Thinking about your Ideal School

List the qualities you want your child to learn at school




Circle the top five and list them in order of importance

  1. ______________________________________________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________________________________________
  4. ______________________________________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________________________________
  6. ______________________________________________________________________________

Visiting the School

When you drove up to the building what did you think?




When you walked into the school, were you greeted? YES NO
Was the school clean? YES NO
Did the school look inviting? YES NO
Did you meet the Director/Principal YES NO
Did the person conducting the tour talk about any of your top five things you are looking for in a school,


Was the person able to address the qualities that are important to you when asked? YES NO

Questions to Ask the School

What is your biggest challenge?

What is the school’s biggest challenge?

Why are children sent to the office?

What are the qualifications of the teachers?

What is the experience level of the staff?

Do all the teachers’ welcome parents into their classrooms?

What happens if a child becomes sick during class time?

Do parents have to call ahead to visit their child’s classroom?

Would you choose this school for your child?

What extra programs are offered?

How often do children participate in art, music, and physical education?

How long and how often do children get recess?

When Visiting the Classroom

  • Stand back
  • Be quiet
  • Take everything in
  • Take a deep breath
  • Make yourself invisible
  • Look around
  • Listen
Does the teacher look up from what they are doing to visually greet you?   YES   NO
If the teacher can, does he/she verbally greet you?   YES   NO

How do the children react to having a visitor in their classroom?

Do the children seem engaged in their work?   YES   NO
Does the teacher seem to enjoy their students?   YES   NO
Is there order (even in chaos) in the classroom?   YES   NO

What are five words you would use to describe this classroom?

Do you like the words that come to mind?   YES   NO
Do the children know the routine?   YES   NO
Are there parents in the classroom?   YES   NO

If there are parents in the classroom, what are they doing?

When thinking about the school

Can you see your child at this school?   YES   NO
Can the school service special needs your child has?   YES   NO
Can you see your family at this school?   YES   NO
Will this school meet the needs of all the children in your family?   YES   NO
 Is it important to you that all your children go to the same school?   YES   NO
Do you feel like you could work with the faculty of this school if issues come up?   YES   NO
Think about getting your child to and from school…would it be easy?   YES   NO
                If not, can your family handle the effort?   YES   NO
Think about the beginning and ending times of school, do they work?   YES   NO
Does this school meet the expectations of quality you listed at the beginning of this sheet?   YES   NO
If not, start over with another school, if yes you may have found the school!        

Good luck with your search!