Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.” -Mary Lou Cook 

Creativity is the ability to think about a task a new or different way, or the ability to use the imagination to generate new ideas.  If you are creative, you look at things from a unique perspective! 

 Why is creativity important in Early Childhood Development?  

Young children are natural explorers. They are taking their first steps in creative exploration from birth as they begin to make connections and make sense of the world. 

We know that children need the freedom to play and develop to flourish their creativity. Creative play allows young children the freedom to be able to explore their thoughts and feelings and come up with new and original ideas.

Being creative is beneficial for our sense of well-being and mental health. This is true for everyone, children, and adults. 

How do we foster opportunities for Creativity in the classroom? 

 When we think about encouraging creativity, we are really talking about encouraging the thinking skills that lead young children to be creative.  

At Montview, we cultivate creativity by emphasizing the role of adults in supporting rather than imposing ideas. We follow the child’s lead as they investigate and explore.  

 Through play and our support children will naturally develop the skills to cultivate their creativity. 

How can families cultivate creativity at home?  

When children have the space to make their own decisions and choices, they will develop creative dispositions.

By not placing emphasis on the final product but celebrating your child’s ideas and engaging with them through open-ended questions as they explore, new possibilities will open up!