By: Kathy Bruce, Assistant Director of Montview Community Preschool & Kindergarten

Many of our applicant families hope for a morning class. I did when I was first applying for my still napping first born. But the only classes available were afternoon ones. We decided to try it. On the 2 – 3 days a week my son was in school, he simply napped later when he got home, or had an earlier bedtime. On the days he wasn’t at school, he napped at his usual time. He had so much fun at school, that he never missed his after-lunch nap time, and over the course of the year he grew out of his naps anyway.

I found that I loved the afternoon time slot. We didn’t have to rush to get out the door in the mornings. Ben got to play at home or with a friend. We could go to the museum or a park. Our mornings were lovely. And he was so ready to see his school friends in the afternoon. I kept my sons in afternoon classes each year after that first one.

As a teacher at Montview, I loved the afternoon classes. The children arrived settled and so eager to be here with their friends. Only once in my over 20-year career here have I had a child who was simply too sleepy to make an afternoon class work. Everyone else transitioned just fine.

If you are leery of the afternoon classes due to nap schedules, I urge you to give them a try. They just might work out fine.