In today’s rapidly evolving world, it is crucial that our education system not only imparts knowledge but also equips children with the intellectual skills and values they need to thrive as well-rounded individuals.  We took time during our In-Service training to look at the importance of asking children questions that lead to thinking as opposed to asking questions to check to see if they have the right answer.

At the heart of this endeavor lies a fundamental principle: “Know how to think, not what to think.” Our teachers understand the importance of fostering these qualities in our students and are committed to best practices, so your children thrive.

We took time to think about what we want for our children as they grow into adults, and we came up with this list.
I am sure your answers and our answers would agree.

Intellectual Skills:

  1. Independence: We believe in nurturing independent thinkers. Encouraging children to think for themselves, make decisions, and take ownership of their learning helps them become self-reliant individuals.
  2. Empathy: Empathy is the cornerstone of a harmonious society. Teaching children to understand and share the feelings of others is a critical life skill that promotes kindness, compassion, and social cohesion.
  3. Problem Solving: Our teachers strive to develop problem-solving skills in students. We encourage them to approach challenges with creativity and critical thinking, enabling them to find solutions in complex situations.
  4. Confidence: Self-confidence is the bedrock upon which success is built. By fostering an environment that nurtures self-esteem, our teachers empower children to believe in their abilities.
  5. Curiosity: Curiosity is the driving force behind knowledge acquisition. We inspire children to ask questions, seek answers, and explore the world with unquenchable curiosity.
  6. Open-mindedness: An open mind is receptive to new ideas and perspectives. We encourage students to approach the world with open hearts and open minds.

Values and Emotional Intelligence:

  1. Happiness: We recognize the importance of nurturing happy and well-adjusted children. Happiness is not only a product of success but also a precursor to it.
  2. Integrity: Our educators emphasize the value of honesty and integrity. We want our students to be trustworthy and ethical individuals who make principled decisions.
  3. Empowerment: We believe in empowering children to be active participants in their own lives. This means giving them a sense of agency and self-determination.
  4. Love and Expression: Love is an essential emotional need. Our teachers ensure that children feel loved, know how to express their feelings, and show love to others.
  5. Asking for Help: It’s essential to teach children that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. We want them to know that support is always available.
  6. Respect: Our students learn to respect themselves and others. We foster a culture of respect that transcends differences and promotes inclusivity.
  7. Collaboration: We teach children how to work effectively with others, promoting teamwork, cooperation, and a sense of community.
  8. Grace and Understanding: Teaching children to show grace and understanding helps them navigate the complexities of human interactions with empathy and patience.
  9. Risk-taking and Resilience: We encourage students to take risks without the fear of failure. Resilience is built through the willingness to face challenges head-on.
  10. Fun and Artistic Expression: We believe in the importance of fostering a sense of fun and joy in learning. Creative expression through art, music, and other forms of self-expression is encouraged.
  11. Passion and Acceptance: Discovering one’s passion is a lifelong journey. We help students explore their interests and accept that their passions may evolve over time.
  12. Listening and Acceptance: We teach children to listen respectfully to others’ opinions and accept differences. This is crucial for healthy communication and relationships.

At Montview we focus a great deal of energy on the social emotional development of our children, so it isn’t a surprise that the list for Values and Emotional Intelligence is twice as long as our list for Intellectual skills.  They are both so important in our lives but for young children the learning of social emotional skills takes top billing.

Our teachers are dedicated to nurturing children in their acquisition of intellectual skills but also emphasize values that promote personal growth and societal well-being.  It is our firm belief that by instilling these qualities in our students, we are preparing them to navigate a complex and ever-changing world with confidence, empathy, and a profound understanding of what it means to be a responsible and thoughtful citizen.

Together, we aim to create a brighter and more harmonious future and are so happy to have the support of our families in the time we took to foster these endeavors.